TLS was last updated
on June 12, 2024.

TLS uses all of a player's league results to create
a rating for the player based on the NTRP rating
* Rating lists by area and facility.
* Ratings for each of a player's matches.
* Section and national team rankings.
* Team scouting pages.
* Yearly historical summary of a player's league play.
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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 06/10/2024)
Section - Southern
Area - GA - Clarke Oconee-COTA
League - 2024 COTA USTA Adult 18 & Over Business Women - Spring
Flight - Business Women 4.0
League Record: 3 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Mary Emma Holscher - 3.87
Brionne Antwine - 3.81
Elizabeth Sadler - 3.73
Rebecca Rea - 3.67
Ann Lei - 3.62
Brooke Daniel - 3.58
Dini DiCosty - 3.56
Christine Register - 3.55
Lynne Haggerty - 3.54
Sharon Ross - 3.53
Cyndie Santamaria - 3.52
Elsa Bertran - 3.51
Trudy Goeckel - 3.47
melissa harshman - 3.45
Ashley Rentz - 3.43
Shelly Stratton - 3.39
Nancy Kelley - 3.24
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Lynne Haggerty - 3.54 & Nancy Kelley - 3.24 1 - 0
Christine Register - 3.55 & Rebecca Rea - 3.67 0 - 1 0 - 1
Christine Register - 3.55 & Ashley Rentz - 3.43 0 - 1
Elizabeth Sadler - 3.73 & Rebecca Rea - 3.67 1 - 0
Elizabeth Sadler - 3.73 & Mary Emma Holscher - 3.87 1 - 0
Dini DiCosty - 3.56 & Sharon Ross - 3.53 0 - 1
melissa harshman - 3.45 & Cyndie Santamaria - 3.52 0 - 1
melissa harshman - 3.45 & Shelly Stratton - 3.39 1 - 0
melissa harshman - 3.45 & Ashley Rentz - 3.43 0 - 1
Sharon Ross - 3.53 & Cyndie Santamaria - 3.52 0 - 1 1 - 0
Sharon Ross - 3.53 & Mary Emma Holscher - 3.87 1 - 0
Cyndie Santamaria - 3.52 & Elsa Bertran - 3.51 0 - 1 1 - 0
Brooke Daniel - 3.58 0 - 1
Rebecca Rea - 3.67 & Elsa Bertran - 3.51 1 - 0
Rebecca Rea - 3.67 & Mary Emma Holscher - 3.87 1 - 0
Brionne Antwine - 3.81 & Elsa Bertran - 3.51 0 - 2
Brionne Antwine - 3.81 2 - 0
Ann Lei - 3.62 2 - 1
Trudy Goeckel - 3.47 & Christine Register - 3.55 0 - 1 0 - 1
Trudy Goeckel - 3.47 & Elizabeth Sadler - 3.73 0 - 1
Trudy Goeckel - 3.47 & Brionne Antwine - 3.81 0 - 1
League Record: 4 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Michelle Banks - 4.08
Jamie Williams - 3.96
Kelly Parker - 3.71
Patricia Lovely - 3.69
Sydney McWhirter - 3.56
Sarah Leppert - 3.55
Kimberly McDuffie - 3.51
Mary Rector - 3.44
Kathy Plumley - 3.43
Starla Pellegrino - 3.34
Kebby Holden - 3.31
Lauren Morocco - 3.16
Terrie Field - n/a
Brenda Bray - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Michelle Banks - 4.08 & Terrie Field - n/a 1 - 0
Michelle Banks - 4.08 & Kimberly McDuffie - 3.51 1 - 0 1 - 0 2 - 0
Jamie Williams - 3.96 & Sydney McWhirter - 3.56 4 - 1 1 - 0
Jamie Williams - 3.96 & Kebby Holden - 3.31 0 - 1
Kelly Parker - 3.71 3 - 2
Kathy Plumley - 3.43 & Lauren Morocco - 3.16 1 - 0
Kathy Plumley - 3.43 & Kebby Holden - 3.31 0 - 1 0 - 1 0 - 1
Mary Rector - 3.44 & Kebby Holden - 3.31 0 - 2
Mary Rector - 3.44 & Starla Pellegrino - 3.34 1 - 1
Mary Rector - 3.44 0 - 1
Lauren Morocco - 3.16 & Kebby Holden - 3.31 0 - 1
Brenda Bray - n/a & Sarah Leppert - 3.55 1 - 0
Patricia Lovely - 3.69 & Sarah Leppert - 3.55 0 - 2
League Record: 0 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kylie Skrzypinski - 3.88
Jackie Sherry - 3.88
Emily Campbell - 3.71
Debra Dooley - 3.69
Deborah Tonks - 3.69
Sallie Mobley - 3.67
Sophie Raboud - 3.64
Mo Creech - 3.60
Emily Boness - 3.52
Angela Alexander - 3.50
Elizabeth Lyle - 3.47
Kellie Peyton - 3.44
Sook Jin Abbott - 3.36
Virginia Grimes - 3.23
Patricia Zettek - 3.19
Rachel Griggs - n/a
Juliana Dunagan - n/a
Carrie Smith - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Sallie Mobley - 3.67 & Carrie Smith - n/a 0 - 1
Sallie Mobley - 3.67 & Deborah Tonks - 3.69 1 - 0 1 - 0
Sallie Mobley - 3.67 & Sophie Raboud - 3.64 0 - 1
Patricia Zettek - 3.19 & Angela Alexander - 3.50 0 - 1
Sook Jin Abbott - 3.36 & Virginia Grimes - 3.23 0 - 1
Sook Jin Abbott - 3.36 & Mo Creech - 3.60 0 - 1 1 - 0
Emily Campbell - 3.71 & Kellie Peyton - 3.44 0 - 1 0 - 1
Emily Campbell - 3.71 & Mo Creech - 3.60 1 - 0
Emily Campbell - 3.71 & Rachel Griggs - n/a 0 - 1
Virginia Grimes - 3.23 & Kellie Peyton - 3.44 0 - 1
Virginia Grimes - 3.23 0 - 1
Emily Boness - 3.52 & Elizabeth Lyle - 3.47 0 - 1
Rachel Griggs - n/a 1 - 0
Kylie Skrzypinski - 3.88 3 - 0
Angela Alexander - 3.50 & Emily Campbell - 3.71 0 - 1
Angela Alexander - 3.50 & Mo Creech - 3.60 0 - 1
Angela Alexander - 3.50 & Carrie Smith - n/a 0 - 1
Angela Alexander - 3.50 & Deborah Tonks - 3.69 0 - 1
Jackie Sherry - 3.88 & Debra Dooley - 3.69 1 - 1 1 - 0
Deborah Tonks - 3.69 & Debra Dooley - 3.69 0 - 1
Deborah Tonks - 3.69 & Sophie Raboud - 3.64 1 - 0 0 - 1
Juliana Dunagan - n/a 0 - 2
Debra Dooley - 3.69 & Virginia Grimes - 3.23 0 - 1
Debra Dooley - 3.69 & Sophie Raboud - 3.64 0 - 1
League Record: 7 - 0
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Deborah Barany - 3.99
Stacy Eaton - 3.93
Coreen Delamater - 3.90
Katie Smith - 3.85
Taylor Alexander - 3.82
Amanda Patterson - 3.76
Larysa Savochkina - 3.74
Kara Turk - 3.69
Mary McElhannon - 3.61
Jessica Muilenburg - 3.54
Trina Butts - 3.53
Tonya Bell - 3.53
Katie Graham - 3.53
Jennifer Westmoreland - 3.51
Callie Holloway - 3.44
Amelia DeLamater - 3.36
Candace Crenshaw - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Jessica Muilenburg - 3.54 & Katie Smith - 3.85 1 - 1 1 - 0
Jessica Muilenburg - 3.54 & Coreen Delamater - 3.90 0 - 1
Taylor Alexander - 3.82 & Candace Crenshaw - n/a 1 - 0 1 - 0
Taylor Alexander - 3.82 & Amanda Patterson - 3.76 2 - 0
Taylor Alexander - 3.82 & Stacy Eaton - 3.93 0 - 1 1 - 0
Taylor Alexander - 3.82 & Deborah Barany - 3.99 1 - 0
Katie Graham - 3.53 & Trina Butts - 3.53 0 - 1
Katie Graham - 3.53 0 - 2
Jennifer Westmoreland - 3.51 & Callie Holloway - 3.44 1 - 0
Amelia DeLamater - 3.36 & Katie Smith - 3.85 1 - 0 1 - 0
Amelia DeLamater - 3.36 0 - 1
Katie Smith - 3.85 & Coreen Delamater - 3.90 1 - 0 1 - 0
Larysa Savochkina - 3.74 2 - 2
Stacy Eaton - 3.93 & Trina Butts - 3.53 2 - 0
Stacy Eaton - 3.93 & Amanda Patterson - 3.76 1 - 0
Stacy Eaton - 3.93 & Deborah Barany - 3.99 2 - 0
Tonya Bell - 3.53 & Mary McElhannon - 3.61 1 - 0 1 - 0
Tonya Bell - 3.53 & Jennifer Westmoreland - 3.51 0 - 1
Kara Turk - 3.69 & Coreen Delamater - 3.90 0 - 1
Kara Turk - 3.69 & Deborah Barany - 3.99 1 - 0